If you want to send notifications from Zendesk to Telegram, then follow the next steps:
1. Create a new channel in Zendesk
We will first create it as a public channel, but later we'll convert it to private, so don't worry.
2. Create a bot
use @botfather to create the bot. The bot will be sending messages to the channel
Save the token
3. Get the channel id
Now we have to find the channel id. Add the bot to the channel as Administrator
send the message to the channel using the URL https://api.telegram.org/bot111:222/sendMessage?chat_id=@channelName&text=123
Replace 111:222 with your bot token and @channelName with your channel name
save the chat id e.g. -100xxxxxxxxx
4. Convert the channel to private
You can do this in Channel Info
5. Set up Zendesk Target
go to Settings -> Extensions ->add target
set URL target as https://api.telegram.org/botxxx:xxxxxxx/sendMessage?chat_id=-100xxxxxxx
put "text" to Attribute name
to create target press Create target- Submit
6. Create a trigger
You can set up any conditions you wish and send any text to the telegram using Zendesk placeholders
That's it! Whenever the trigger fires, you receive notification into your Telegram channel.